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As an intermediate student of the Korean language, I understand the importance of maintaining a consistent and well-rounded learning routine. Each day of the week is dedicated to specific language skills and activities that help me progress in my Korean language journey. Let's take a closer look at my weekly routine and how it contributes to my growth.

Monday is my designated grammar and reading day. I turn to resources like Talk To Me in Korean (TTMIK) for grammar lessons, which provide clear explanations and examples. Afterward, I immerse myself in Korean reading materials such as webtoons or Korean children's folktales. This allows me to analyze my understanding of the language in context while expanding my vocabulary and comprehension skills.

On Tuesdays, I focus on enhancing my listening and speaking abilities. I choose a Korean podcast or video to sharpen my listening skills and expose myself to natural conversations. This helps me become familiar with different accents and speeds of speech. Additionally, I engage in speaking practice with a tutor, where I can apply what I've learned and receive valuable feedback on my pronunciation, fluency, and grammar usage.

Wednesdays are dedicated to writing practice. I journal in Korean, expressing my thoughts, experiences, and reflections. This exercise not only strengthens my writing skills but also encourages me to think and communicate in Korean more fluently. It allows me to solidify grammar concepts and expand my vocabulary through practical application.

Thursdays are a combination of revisiting grammar lessons and engaging in focused practice. I review previous grammar topics, reinforcing my understanding and identifying any areas that require further attention. Additionally, I allocate time for dedicated practice sessions, where I create sentences and engage in exercises that challenge my comprehension and application of grammar rules.

Friday is reserved for practicing listening skills through a unique approach. I listen to Korean audio, whether it be a podcast or a video, and challenge myself to transcribe what I hear. This exercise helps me improve my listening accuracy, vocabulary recognition, and sentence construction.

Finally, on the weekends, I reward myself by watching Korean TV shows or videos. It allows me to relax and enjoy the language in a more casual and entertaining setting. This immersion in authentic Korean content helps me improve my listening comprehension, pick up colloquial expressions, and stay motivated in my language learning journey.

In conclusion, my weekly Korean learning routine as an intermediate student involves a well-rounded approach that encompasses grammar study, reading, listening, speaking, writing, and immersion. This routine ensures that I am consistently improving my language skills while enjoying the process of language acquisition. By dedicating specific days to different language activities, I am able to maintain focus, build a strong foundation, and gradually progress toward fluency in the Korean language.

공부해요 여러분!


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